
We are working responsibly to build a better, greener and more sustainable future for our communities, customers and stakeholders. <brOur approach to sustainability

Our approach to sustainability

We are committed to deliver our high-grade, Ngualla Rare Earth Project to enable low carbon technologies to power the green transformation. We recognise that our long-term commitment to sustainability is integral to our ongoing success.

Peak has a fundamental belief in ‘kazi wajibu utu’ which means ‘working responsibly to better humanity’ in Swahili. We act consistently with this principle which means we act with integrity to achieve our purpose and to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of our people and communities. We are accountable to our shareholders, employees and stakeholders to deliver and operate our assets by employing a sustainability ethos and a progressive mindset.

Sustainability is a core value at Peak, and we are integrating it into every aspect of the company. At Peak, we recognise this is very important to our stakeholders, including local communities, customers, suppliers and shareholders. We strive to hold ourselves to the highest standards so that the Ngualla Project becomes a long term, environmentally and socially sustainable supplier of choice to the global rare earth market.

Sustainability can be mapped across many facets of the organisation when considering environment, social and governance (ESG) issues. Peak has begun a Sustainability journey that is leading towards its long-term goals and managing its Sustainability risk profile, to ensure its future ESG goals are set with appropriate structures and processes to enhance ESG performance and sophistication as the company develops.

Peak has undertaken materiality assessment and stakeholder mapping exercises to derive key sustainability topics affect Peak and its stakeholders. Some priority topics that emerged in 2022 were:

  • Health and safety
  • Government and regulatory compliance
  • Business ethics and governance compliance
  • Community benefit and safety
  • Waste and hazardous materials planning

To ensure Peak operates in line with global best practice, we are developing an ESG roadmap to continue to mature, expand our scope and grow transparency. This will include selecting our preferred ESG reporting frameworks and setting up data collections systems to prepare for an inaugural Sustainability report.

Peak Rare Earths Sustainability

Sustainability Report 2023

Safety performance

We have an exemplary safety record with no Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) recorded over the past three years and a consistent focus on the promotion of a communicative safety culture.

Community relations

We are committed to creating positive social change in the communities in which we operate. We work closely with the Ngualla Village Council to identify the areas of need and to ensure alignment with the broader programs of the district Government. To date, we have funded the following programs:

A school development program comprising the construction and refurbishment of classrooms and accommodation at several schools, and the donation of furniture, textbooks and school stationery to these schools

Donation and sponsorship of sports equipment and community sports tournaments

Repairs to a maternity ward and donation of a maternity bed, new mattresses, bed sheets and blankets at Ngwala Village Medical Dispensary

Provision of emergency medical transport

Ngwala-Kininga road upgrade. Maintenance of roads and water supply.

Focus on locally sourced materials for community development projects, with local tradespeople, labourers and businesses utilised for goods and services

In the community


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